Xayaboury hydropower project 60% complete Create: 07/03/2016 17:53 (KPL) The Xayaboury Hydropower Project has been confirmed to be 60% complete since its construction commenced four years ago. The project is expected to be fully complete in October 2019. Xayaboury Power’s Deputy ManagingDirector Anouphap Vonglakhone said on 5 March that the contractor is currently focusing on building the powerhouse on the left wing of the dam. The project, costing more than US$3 billion, employs more than 8,000 people with Lao labour accounting for more than 60%, Thai workers making up 30%, and those from other neighbouring countries accounting for about 10%. The plant will be equipped with 8 generators with a combined generation capacity of 1,285 mw. Once fully built, 1,225 mw of the power generated by the plant will be exported to Thailand with the remaining 60 mw to be used for domestic consumption. The run-of-river power plant is claimed by developers to be equipped with cutting edge technology including a fish passage to ensure that fish can travel up and downstream and a boat passage which is 12m wide and 700 m long to accommodate cargo boats of up to 500 tonnes. Embankments are also planned for the project.
KPL Source : Lao News Agency, http://kpl.gov.la/En/Detail.aspx?id=11123